See something yah like? Want in on you forever? .....I'm flattered!
I love when people reach out to ask if they can get certain pieces tattooed, but they always ask, "Do I need to purchase a certain amount of goods? Pay you? etc."
SO, to remedy that question here is a tattoo ticket!
Please have you and your artist tag me in any social media posts regarding the art that was used. I know the tattoo artist is doing the hard work, but also want to show other people where to go, incase anyone else wants to utilize my art for their tattoos!
I also understand that money can be tight and tattoos can be costly. If you decide you would like to use my art as inspiration for a tattoo, but don't feel you can purchase the ticket, all I ask is that you have your artist tag me if they post the tattoo, and you tag me in your social media posts regarding your tattoo. The $25 ticket is to help support me for your new body art.